6CST-70 tea killing machine
6CST-70 tea killing machine
¥16800.00 ¥17000.00
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The machine is equipped with a hot and cold air control system to effectively improve the quality of the leaf. Various types of machines can be customized according to user requirements.

Thank you for using the 6CST series tea roller compactor. In order to keep the machine in good working condition for a long time, it must be operated and maintained properly. Please read this manual carefully to familiarize yourself with the machine structure and operating procedures.

First, characteristics and uses

This series of tea drum crusher is one of the main products produced by our factory. The machine uses the operation of the cylinder to allow the tea leaves to pass through the vanes in the cylinder and deliver them without interruption. Its characteristics: 1, high temperature, easy to operate; 2, the machine has high hot air temperature, strong penetrating power, good green leaf color, complete leaf body, high aroma, effectively guarantee the internal nutrient content of tea; 3, killing efficiency High, suitable for tea factory to carry out assembly line operations; 4, the machine can be used to kill, can also be used for drying, roasting, and a wide range of uses.

Second, technical parameters







Supporting power



Taiwan production



Killing temperature


Roller diameter



Machine quality



Third, the working principle

The heat inside the machine is mainly supplied by the lower furnace of the machine. The tea leaves are put into the cylinder through the feeding port and sent into the high temperature cylinder. The drum increases the temperature during the continuous movement. The fresh leaves enter the high-heat cylinder. With the rotation of the cylinder, under the action of the spiral guide vanes on the inner wall of the cylinder, the cylinders are tumbling and alternately contacted with the wall of the cylinder to heat up to achieve the purpose of killing.

Fourth, the installation and operation of the machine

1. Connect the machine to the three-phase four-wire 380V (or single 220V) power supply, and connect the ground wire at the same time;

2, the machine must be placed horizontally, the base parts must not be empty;

3. Turn on the power, observe the machine voltage display table, and proceed to the next step after the voltage meets the requirements;

4. Press the motor switch button to test run. After no error, stop the machine.

5, press the heating switch, set the temperature to the desired temperature value (different fresh leaves need different temperatures, generally at 150 ° C), when the temperature reaches 70 ° C, start the main motor, let the cylinder run;

6. When the set temperature is reached, turn on the fan of each part and put it into fresh leaf production. The tea leaves are slightly thicker and the speed is not too slow. When the tea leaves are discharged from the discharge port, the dryness is observed.

V. Maintenance and maintenance

1. Before using the machine, carefully check whether the solid parts such as silk are transported.

Cause loose, if any, tighten and use.

2. When the new machine leaves the factory, the transmission parts are coated with lubricating oil. After 50 hours of production, it is necessary to check whether there is oil shortage.

3. The machine should be placed in a dry place to avoid malfunction of the machine parts or electronic components.

4. Keep the child or the unrelated person and the machine at a certain distance when the machine is working.

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